the system has been shut down ( melding op pc)

the system has been shut down ( melding op pc) 

Onderwerp van -caty2

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  1. rotonde

    Toon alleen de berichten van rotonde
    I got the above messages very very often with the blue screen, eg. I keep restarting it and it keeps showing me this message. Then I have to unplug the battery and cord, press the power button for 20s to 30s, and then I can restart it successfully. This is a little trick I learnt from a HP support personnel for my other laptop. I don't understand the principles behind this thick. Anyone knows how to fix the fatal system error problem? I very very appreciate it. I just restore it but it doesn't help.


    Onder dit bericht staat welke dumpfiles deze moest opzoeken. Mogelijk oude drivers voor je opslag of zoiets.
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